I wasn't going to post on these just yet because they are far from pretty, but Jamie said I should, so I am.
I started with making my own dough. It came out pretty well, I think I just need to work on a consistent thickness when I roll it out. I'm not a baker people, it's hard! Also, some more seasoning would be nice too.
5 tbs COLD "butter" (the recipe I looked at called for 6 tbs! so much buuuuutter)
1 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sage
about 3 tbs ice cold water
The butter has to be COLD! This part is very important. It makes the dough fluffier and flakier and more moist - it melts while it cooks, slowly penetrating (ha) the dough. So get all your stuff in a bowl (of a food processor) and slowly cut the butter into the flour. I used a fork and just smashed it until it was crumbly. Then slowly add the ice water, one tbs at a time. You don't want it to get too wet, just wet enough that everything sort of comes together and feels kind of like play-doh!
I also made a gluten-free dough for my mom using some gluten free baking mix. The same processes apply, I just made a smaller batch.
Ball up the dough and wrap it in plastic wrap and let it sit in the fridge for about half an hour. That way all the ingredients become BFFs and stick together well.
While the dough was chillin' (literally. get it? get it!?) I made my filling. I didn't want to get too adventurous here in the beginning so I just did a simple veggie filling. I cut up a carrot, half an onion, 2 cloves garlic, 1 yellow squash, and 2 broccoli florets. I sauteed those in olive oil on a lower heat and added a little thyme, rosemary, dill, and basil. I wanted to add potatoes (what's a pot pie without potatoes!?) but we don't have any... so, next time. After everything had softened a bit I thickened it up with about 1.5 tbs of corn starch (couldn't use flour, my mom is gluten intolerant) and then slowly stirred in veggie broth. I didn't measure... sorry... it was probably about 1.5 cups? I let it simmer for awhile, to thicken, until it looked almost like a stew.
I cooked my pot pies in cupcake trays. I wasn't sure how I was going to go about this so I tried it 2 different ways.
1. I rolled out the dough and cut it into circles about 1/2" bigger than the tray hole. Then I PAMmed the hole (ha) and slowly pressed my round cutout of dough into it, then pricked it with a knife to avoid air buildup. I made 3 this way, and baked them in the oven just for 5 minutes, sans filling. THEN, I took them out of the oven, brushed the inside of the dough cup with an egg wash, added the filling, and then made a half-ass topper to cover them. Egg wash on top too.
2. I rolled out the dough, a little bigger than in #1, PAMmed the hole, applied the egg wash, added the filling, and then kind of folded the excess dough over the top. Also, egg washed the top.
Everything was baked at 350 for about 15 minutes. I kind of lost track of the time, not going to lie. But I watched them through the oven window with vigilance.
Why the egg wash inside? I was afraid that the filling would goo up the bottom and the dough wouldn't cook. What I SHOULD have done in #1 was apply the egg wash BEFORE I par-cooked it, not after. And the egg wash on the outside gives them a nice golden crispness.
SO. What did I learn from this?
1. I need to cut the veggies much smaller.
2. I need a consistent thickness of dough.
3. Folding the dough over for a top is just too much dough. Applying a separate top, that will be integrated into the other dough, will look and taste much better.
4. More filling!
Here are my little boogers. They're not pretty. Don't judge me, it was my first attempt! The crumbly one is the gluten free one. That recipe is going to take a little more work; gluten-free is a whole different ballgame.