Hey... so.... sorry, it's been awhile. I've got a few things to update on, but for now I'll start with some cool garden pics. Hopefully I'll get all my ducks in a row, and you'll get to hear about how I was attacked by bees while making jam in my kitchen, and other fun tales.

These are my carrrrrrots. They've got bushy tops!

I peeled away some of the dirt so you could see my lil red beauty of a carrot! I'm pretty excited. I planted red, orange, and white carrots!

These are my peas! I ghetto-rigged a trellis out of bamboo. Yeah, it looks pretty... um... what's the word? Classy? Yeah. Classy. It looks pretty classy. They've actually just started to flower so I'll be excited to get my first peas soon!

This is another ghettofabulous creation. I needed something long to plant my arugula in, but I was out of long planters. So instead of buying one, naturally, I cut a garden pot in half and taped it together with duct tape. BOOM. INSTA-PLANTER.
My bell peppers are going crazy! They were slow-goers in the summer, but now that it's fall... they're just going wild! I've got baby bells all over that plant. It's... really cute actually. I've got the garden tape all over this bad boy because the plant is small, but those peppers get HUGE, so I have to give them some support! Like a bra. A bell pepper bra.


So, as you may have seen before in a previous post, we live right up against a giant field. So right behind our house my dad decided he wanted to plant some tomatoes. They look pretty good! We have um, green zebra, mortgage lifter, and some generic tomatoes. Everything has been going well so far! The coyotes and other critters have pretty much left them alone... so far.

So as you can see, my mom's flowers have pretty much taken over EVERYTHING. But right there in the lower right corner of this picture, you can see my spaghetti squash and pumpkin plants. what whaaaaat.
There's my baby spaghetti squash on the left, and my lone baby pumpkin on the right. GROW BUDDIES GROW!
I've also got some broccoli and cauliflower going right now, and I just saw the other day a couple broccoli heads growing. Also, I bought my mom some watermelon and icicle radish seeds and we have those planted as well. I'm pretty excited to see how they turn out.