So. What have I been up to? Well, we've done some serious backyard renovation and have gutted half the yard and built raised beds! I've got a gazillion seedlings getting their start and hopefully, come spring, we'll have a fatty garden on it's way to bountiful glory.
The seedlings we've got going are:
- cucumber
- japanese cucumber
- zucchini
- striped roma tomato
- purple calabash tomato
- san marzano tomato
- tomatillo
- scarlet runner beans
- bush green beans
- white cannelini beans
- corn
- rosa bianca eggplant
- jalapeno peppers
- poblano peppers
- anaheim peppers
- bell peppers
- chamomile
- nasturtiums
- marigolds
- baby's breath
- cilantro
- basil
- watercress
- and I think there are some more that I can't remember...
This is the field behind my house. It was just so pretty and green, I couldn't NOT take a picture of it!
This is my dad digging up the yard. I did a lot of work, too! I got this ball rolling, in fact. It was a major pain in my ass, and back. It's a lot more work than you'd think. FOR. SURE.

This is the pipe I broke with my shovel because... I... dug too hard? Haha. Whoops. Also, I don't know why this text has an hyptertext underline, but... I am too lazy to fix it.

I found a ton of worms while I was digging, which is great! Worms = good dirt. Or at least not shitty dirt. So that's fantastic. My hands looks old ladyish too. They don't really look like that!!

We took this tumbler from my gramma so we could make our own mulch. It's looking pretty good so far. Why did gramma have a tumbler? Gawd, who knows. Her idea of gardening is telling me her flowers are dry when I go over there, soooo....

This is inside our larger greenhouse. It looks crammed right now because it's going to be raining for awhile, and we put a bunch of our plants in here so that they don't get cold and overwatered.

This is our smaller "greenhouse" where I start my seedlings. This one is a bit warmer, which is why I keep them in here. Also, since it's a bit cool these days I put plastic bags underneath the starters to help them hold warmth. I also cover some of them too. Down at the bottom is my mesclun mix. Yum yum.

Seed babies.


Pretty purple bean seeds that I just started today!

And these...

... are our raised beds! Yay!

This is the pipe I broke with my shovel because... I... dug too hard? Haha. Whoops. Also, I don't know why this text has an hyptertext underline, but... I am too lazy to fix it.

I found a ton of worms while I was digging, which is great! Worms = good dirt. Or at least not shitty dirt. So that's fantastic. My hands looks old ladyish too. They don't really look like that!!

We took this tumbler from my gramma so we could make our own mulch. It's looking pretty good so far. Why did gramma have a tumbler? Gawd, who knows. Her idea of gardening is telling me her flowers are dry when I go over there, soooo....

This is inside our larger greenhouse. It looks crammed right now because it's going to be raining for awhile, and we put a bunch of our plants in here so that they don't get cold and overwatered.

This is our smaller "greenhouse" where I start my seedlings. This one is a bit warmer, which is why I keep them in here. Also, since it's a bit cool these days I put plastic bags underneath the starters to help them hold warmth. I also cover some of them too. Down at the bottom is my mesclun mix. Yum yum.

Seed babies.


Pretty purple bean seeds that I just started today!

And these...

... are our raised beds! Yay!
I can't wait for Spring! I'm waiting for march to roll around so we can start planting our little goobers in the beds. woohoo!