Broccoli. I've never really been a fan. It's just always been one of those vegetables that I could leave on my plate and not feel bad about it. Same with cauliflower. Well, no, I've always thought cauliflower was gross. BUT! I'm turning over a new leaf, and I'm giving these guys another chance. I figure I'm an adult of sorts now, I should try liking these things. And well, I'm a vegetarian so... I SHOULD like these things.
I helped my dad make a broccoli soup for dinner last week. It turned out fairly well. He just used broccoli, onions, and a little bit of potato and cooked it all in vegg broth. When it was all soft and squishy he hit it with the immersion blender to make it creamy and smooth. It was missing something though, and surprisingly he asked me to spruce it up. I say surprisingly because my dad and I are the same when it comes to cooking: don't mess with our food, it is our creation and we don't want you meddling with our art. thanks but no thanks. SO he had to go fix the garage door (apparently it poopooed and needed a new motor/gears or something) and asked me to fix the soup cuz it tasted flat. I went in there and added more salt and pepper, a pinch of basil, a pinch of dill (brings out those potatoes! i love dill), and a healthy dose of sage. He came back in and tasted it and said it was perfect. He also thought I added nutmeg. I think he asked me 3 times if I added nutmeg. No dad, I did not add nutmeg. But maybe I will next time!
My dad also made this roasted broccoli and cauliflower that was SUPER good. he roasted it in the oven with whole garlic cloves and (I assume) some olive oil. It was delish; crispy and non-squishy and full of flavor. AND he made this bomb horse radish cheese sauce to go with it. Cheese sauce makes EVERYTHING taste better. It's a fact. Don't try and fight me on this.
So broccoli, you've got me interested. Keep up the good work.
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