i was inspired by something i saw on the Food Network's The Best Thing I Ever Ate. It was this soup that was brought with just the fixins in the bowl, and then the broth was poured around it from a hot kettle. looked BOMB. so i decided try my own variation.
first, the soup part. i made a simple potato soup. i used:
2.5 small potatoes, sans skin
olive oil
garlic & onion
dill and thyme, salt and pepper
veggie broth
splash of milk (thanks jess! :D)
i cubed the potatoes very small (for quicker cooking) and sauteed them in olive oil. i also added half of a chopped onion and a few cloves of (minced) garlic to the sautee. after a few minutes of that i added the veggie broth, just enough to cover everything in the pot. let it cook until the potatoes fall apart at the touch and then blend the hell out of all of it. if it's super thick, add a lil more broth. finish with a splash of milk for creaminess.
for the other part i made a stuffed bell pepper. the filling consisted of some quinoa and onion and green onion that i sauteed in some olive oil with salt and pepper. when it was done i cracked an egg over it, just to hold it together. then i stuffed all of that into a yellow bell pepper and tossed it in the oven, at 375, for about... i dunno.. 15 minutes or so. i just kept an eye on it and when the top was browning and the pepper was squishy i considered it done.
i placed my stuffed pepper in the middle of my bowl and then poured my soup around it. so yum. and you could either just go crazy and break the hell out of that pepper, or you can do like i did and just spoon out the filling and get some soup in each bite. mmm.
sorry the pictures kind of suck, i have bad lighting. =/
SOOOO DELICIOUS! :) Thank you for posting for me. Much appreciated!