my dinner last night was freakin bomb. screw modesty, i knocked that meal OUT OF THE PARK. i had rice, tofu, veggies, and creamed cauliflower. let's expand.
rice: measure, wash, cook. DING!
tofu: i squished as much water out as possible and sliced it in thinnish slices and fried it in a pan with nothing more than cooking spray.
vegetables: i had a squash and zuchini and i kinda cut em at an angle so i'd have big thick slices. i cooked those up in a lil olive oil and this bomb mediterranean salt that my mom and dad got me. it has like basil and something else ground in with the salt. yum.
creamed cauliflower: omg. i think i ate more than half of a head of cauliflower last night it was THAT good. i steamed the cauliflower with a garlic clove (sliced) for awhile until i could break it apart. then i dumped the water out and added milk (thanks michelle!) and another clove of garlic, rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper. i let it cook for awhile until it was nice and soft and thick. then i blended it all together and added some parmesean and shredded mozzarella and mixed it allllll up. it.was.heavenly. i'm not even kidding.
onions: these bad boys were damn good. what i did was took a small red onion and cut it into 4 thick slices. i peeled the outer layer off (cuz it's gross) and set them on a plate of balsamic vinegar. then i drizzled soy sauce over the top. so bottom balsamic, top soy. i let em sit and soak for about 15-20 minutes or so and then just threw em in a pan with cooking spray. they get nice and charred looking on the outside but sweet and soft on the inside. so. good.
sauce: i made a pseduo reduction for my meal as well (for errthing but the cauli). it was balsamic, soy sauce, water, rice wine vinegar, lil bit brown sugar, chopped garlic, dollop of butter, and... and i think that's it. i didn't add salt because the soy is salty enough on it's own. so yeah i just let that cook down while everything else was cookin. and not at like a rolling boil either, let it cook on low/simmer.
Sounds delicious!! And, we should thank Gillian for the creamed cauliflower suggestion. I love Biggest Loser. :)
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that sounds soooo good. larry and i made cauliflower "mashed potatoes" last week, too... i love cauliflower in any form, though. we put gorgonzola cheese in ours.... yummmy!