Sorry. I'm rewatching LOST and I just started season 2.
ANYWAY. So I made these vegetable croquettes and they turned out pretty damn good. I saw Ina make 'em on Barefoot Contessa and I wanted to try and make my own!
First, grate a couple potatoes, a zuchini, and a carrot. I only had baby carrots, so I didn't use much carrot. I grated a couple and then I found myself dangerously close to grating my own fingertips. So I stopped that nonsense. I also didn't have any paper towels so I had to let the gratings air dry... on a dish towel.

While that stuff dried I got together the dry stuff. I mixed about a 1/2 cup of flour, 1/4 cup of breadcrumbs, a tsp. of baking powder, salt, pepper, and various chopped herbs from my garden: parsley, dill, rosemary, and thyme.
After I gave the gratings a good ol' fashioned pat down, i mixed them in a bowl with a few cloves of chopped garlic and a beaten egg. With my hands I mushed it all together and started adding the dry stuff until it was all goopy and sticky and gross. Yay! Gross! Then, in your hands, roll them into balls and set them on wax paper to get ready for their frying destiny.

Look at those little guys. Look at 'em!!! So after I balled these guys up I also put a little more bread crumbs on them, just to add a little extra crunch when I fried em. So in a pan, heated with oil (you know its hot enough when you can see swirlies in the oil when you shake the pan) set your ball in, crumby side down. Then press it to flatten it a little bit, and sprinkle some crumbies on there, that way when you flip it there're crumbs on that side too.

Now you wanna see something really ghetto? So you know how I said I didn't have any paper towels? Well... I've got to dry the oily goobers on something. I don't have paper towels, but I do have construction paper!

Mmm mmm mmm! Tasty little crispy critters!
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